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Dave Schuster grew up in Upstate New York where he also attended college at SUNY Oswego studying Chemistry and Cognitive Science. He grew up as the fourth generation on land that had once been part of the family farm, just down the road from the farmhouse where his grandfather was born. From an early age his parents encouraged him to spend as much time outside as possible which began a lifelong love of outdoor pursuits.
Dave left NY to begin working at his first Wilderness Program. Quite by accident he found the profession that would become his career. Dave’s passion has become sharing the lessons he has learned through the years with newer Residential Staff.
Dave has worked in the therapeutic field for more than a decade in various capacities. A majority of that time has been spent working in direct care positions with teenagers and young adults. It also included a few years at a therapeutic nursery school while living in Alaska.
Dave and his partner share many outdoor passions. Their playful sense of competition pushing each of them towards new horizons, whether snowboarding, backpacking, cycling, white water rafting, or running. Dave also enjoys reading, working on his truck, and playing in the kitchen.