Effective treatment for COD simultaneously targets the substance use disorder and the co-occurring mental disorder(s). Good treatment plans address the fact that the co-occurring substance abuse and mental health issue(s) interact in a way that can create a compounded effect. This means that new issues are generated not as the direct outgrowth of either substance abuse or mental illness, but of their interaction with each other.
It is not uncommon for those with co-occurring disorders to be treated only for either substance abuse or for the co-occurring mental illness. When only the substance abuse is treated, the patient may be prone to relapse because of unresolved mental health issues, which may have led to substance abuse in the first place. In the case of patients who are treated only for mental illness, undetected drug and alcohol issues may persist and progress after treatment, leading to a reemergence of mental illness symptoms. When withdrawing from substance use, some patients with co-occurring disorder exhibit obvious psychotic behaviors normally associated with other mental illnesses, leading to misdiagnosis. These patients may be given treatments that are not appropriate or even harmful, and their underlying addiction may go untreated.
Many professionals believe that patients with COD require an integrated approach to treatment. This means that treatment is delivered by a single team of caregivers whose approach to treatment is philosophically congruent, intensely collaborative and well-coordinated. As much as possible, substance abuse treatment and mental health treatment should be delivered seamlessly by a single team. This interdisciplinary team should include professionals with medical, psychiatric, substance-abuse, and mental-health expertise. Generally speaking, this level of treatment coordination is best delivered in a residential setting so that the entire operation supports an integrated approach.
Since residential treatment is not sustainable for the long term, it represents only the first of a multi-stage process. Following an intensive, integrated program of intervention and treatment, patients with co-occurring disorder need a program of aftercare that includes assistance building a self-managed program of community support. A multi-stage approach to treatment that includes aftercare and community-based resources is critical for preventing relapse and maintaining gains made in residential treatment. In addition, optimal care for patients with dual diagnoses includes family work at every stage of treatment. Since the family operates as a powerful system, it is typically either a vehicle for or obstacle to long-term recovery. For this reason, as much of the family system as possible should be involved in every stage of treatment in order to achieve and sustain success.